Saturday, February 21, 2015

Davíd Garza – Davíd Garza (2005 Tour CD)

Release: 2005
Format: CD
Notes: album made specifically for his tour with Fiona Apple in late 2005.  All new recordings.  Original versions as follows: Litany of Woe from Oh Dread, Summer Love Jams & Ready to Fly from Summer Songs 6, Why Spy from Alarm/Alarm Spring, For Keeps from Culture Vulture, I’m All Un from Secret Album, Rattle from May Ides, Outloud from A Strange Mess of Flowers, Lay of the Honeysuckle Aerie from various artists compilation album Mississippi Studios Live Vol.1 as "Lay of the Aerie", Inca from Amorea.

  • Davíd Garza – Guitar, Vocals, Piano, everything else

  1. Litany of Woe
  2. Summer Love Jams
  3. Why Spy
  4. For Keeps
  5. I’m All Un
  6. Rattle
  7. Outloud
  8. Lay of the Honeysuckle Aerie
  9. Ready to Fly
  10. Inca
all songs written by Davíd Garza (c) 2005 Thousand Roses Ltd.

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