Sunday, March 8, 2015

Twang Twang Shock-a-Boom – Twang Twang Shock-a-Boom

Released: 1989
Format: cassette
Notes: album possibly titled "If I Loved You, Would You Ache"; need confirmation
  • Davíd Garza – Guitar, Vocals, Harmonica
  • Jeff Haley – Upright Bass, Vocals
  • Chris Searles – Percussion, Vocals
Also Featuring:
  • "Dahomey Choir": Karen, Gemma, Marc, Tim, Joel, Stephen, Leigh, Mat, James
  1. My Emaciated Heart
  2. I’d Rather Be Lost
  3. In My Family
  4. Fishsticks
  5. Song for Our World
  6. Burnwood
  7. Lock of Your Hair
  8. Big Stick (intro rap known as Peanut Butter Face)
  9. Vases & Shoes
  10. Without a Doubt
  11. 10-15
all songs written by Davíd Garza (c) 1989 Gemmasongs Ltd.

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