Monday, February 9, 2015

Davíd Garza – Covers/Colcha

Release: 2003
Format: CD
Notes: one original song (All the Way) mixed with cover songs and a lot of traditional Mexican folk songs

  • Davíd Garza – Guitar, Vocals, Piano, Drums, everything else

  1. El Pajarillo Jilguero (traditional)
  2. Pride and Joy/Rude Mood (Stevie Ray Vaughan)
  3. El Lirio (traditional)
  4. All the Way
  5. La Palma (traditional)
  6. Blue Angel (Roy Orbison)
  7. El Pichón (traditional)
  8. How High the Moon (Lewis/Hamilton)
  9. Los Besos de Mi Negra (traditional)
  10. These Hills (Iris Dement)
  11. La Malaguena Curreña (traditional)
  12. Cuatro Milpas (traditional)
All the Way written by Davíd Garza (c) 2003 Thousand Roses Ltd., the rest are (c) their respective authors listed above; traditional songs are Public Domain

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